Tuesday, September 30, 2008

New Bumper Sticker

It used to be I wanted my bumper sticker to say "I stop for all wildflowers", now I want it to say "too busy to drive I want to be knitting". All I want to do is knit "Socks". I've finished a few pairs recently. I've actually finished the second sock for Martin made out of Socka Mexico.

These worked out very quickly considering they are not me:) I used the Riverbed Architecture from Cat Bordhi. I'm pretty much using it for all my toe up socks. I've tried quite a few bind offs for toe up socks but think I like this one the best: knit 2 in pattern, *replace 2 on left needle, K2 TBL, K1 in pattern and repeat from *. I think it looks very neat and if you have to tink back it's easy to do. Try and tink back using the EZ sewn bind off and it's not so easy. I wish I could credit the person who designed this but can't remember who did it. Mea culpa...

I finished Rebecca Hatcher Keyhole Cable Socks. I used Smooshy from Dream in Color. I'm not sure I would buy this again as I found it a bit thick and thin, don't remember where I bought it. All I modified was I used Cat Bordh's Riverbed Architecture, no short row heel for me.

I received the Digitessa Kit from Yarnissima.

Oh I wish I had a better picture of this but I have not taken it out of the bag:))) Everyone keeps talking about the smell and the color is out of this world. I think the color has changed somewhat since she first brought out the kit, the shades are darker. It's in my stash to be lovingly looked at but not knit yet:) I recently received the kit for Digitessa but have not taken a picture yet, it's in lovely shades of brown. A few years ago I would not have chosen brown as a color for me but with the way the fashions are dictating the colors there is not much choice. My mother is an Autumn and I'm supposedly a Winter?, go figure. The kits come with chocolates:)))

Sundara has stopped posting yarn on her website because we kept crashing it. Now she has added subscriptions. I'm sharing a Cool with Britgirl and signed up for a Dark and an Artists Choice plus all the Seasons subscriptions I'm getting there should be no reason for me to buying anything else. She is starting a Sweater Subscription on October 15th. The yarns are gorgeous but very expensive. I have so many sweaters on the needles and in my stash, I can't justify anymore and if the truth be known sweaters seem to be on the out at the moment. There are lots of lovely yarns out there but Sundara is my favorite, her colors are beyond describing.
I'm off to knit on Violets Rising by Anne Hanson.

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